Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Azhagi - THE product for Tamil typing

I have been a Blogger since nearly 2 years and had been searching for some products to type Tamil in unicode. Many friends recommended many products but none gave me what I wanted.
I finally stumbled upon this product:
and my previous post was my first attempt on Tamil.
In one word, it is "awesome" and it's a simple application of common sense. Most of the successes are achieved simply by applying "common sense" and not any complicated/management school thinkings.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Newyork Times Headline

Look at the inherent meaning of this notorious headline from Newyork Times:

A ‘Slumdog’ Kind of Night

at the Oscar Ceremony

Please see:
(Thanks Mr. N.Subramanian for the link)

இதை தமிழிலே மொழி பெயர்த்தால் தான் இதன் வீரியம் நன்கு புரியும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன்

ஆஸ்கார் விழாவிலே
ஒரு "சேரி நாய்"த் தனமான இரவு

- இது நமக்குத் தேவைதான்

If we are not agitated and still portray the award - it is only our mistake. Let's portray our Rahman and the Indian music and NOT the award.

- It is an award by the Millionaire dogs - (thanks Saravanan, there can't be a better reciprocation )

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire – a filthy film by the filthy dogs!!

Few days back I had a chance to see the movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, luckily in a DVD quality print at my home. Lucky because I was thinking of seeing this movie in a multiplex after all these hypes but luckily saved a lot which otherwise would have been a sheer waste for this filthy, yes, a real filthy movie!

The film is 'about the Bombay slum life made by a British film crew’ and this one liner is just sufficient to imagine how the film would be. Yes, our country had been disgraced to the lowest level possible - a sheer act of envying and intolerance of ‘India shining’. Even if you argue that this is a real happening in Taravi, there are enough Bollywood teams to show it and in fact they have done it before in many films in far better ways and we don’t need the British dogs to show up our slums. If an Indian film crew has to show the other side of British, you guys, will not be able to tolerate.

Highlights of some of the intentionally bad projection of our country

  • The open public toilets in the slum area
  • A slum boy purposely jumps into an open public toilet shit collection pit and comes out with shit all over the body in order to scar away people and gain entry for an autograph from Amitab Bachan – Quite natural Amitab criticized the movie. I feel nasty even to write this and I am sure you will feel the same while reading this as well but this has been shown to a full length. Only shitty people can think of such a shitty idea - I don’t think there was any other film ever made in the world film history to disgrace a human kind like this.
  • The hero, a Muslim boy, was being tortured by police for wrong/ no reasons - an attempt to project that the innocent muslim youths are being tortured in the name of terrorism.
  • A boy was cheated by Indians but being helped by British tourists
  • Boys cheating foreign tourists in the tourist places
and many such..

What an extent of overdoing and what a disgrace to the country! In order to give world wide publicity to this, these crooked minded westerners give all the possible awards with ulterior motives and we people knowingly or unknowingly glorify the movie. What an ignorance!! I don’t know what are the Thackareys and the Hindutva people are doing. We people have not yet learnt from our history and if we are so ignorant, we certainly deserve another few centuries of (slum) dogs’ life under another bulldog!

Every Indian who worked for the movie like Anil Kapoor, AR etc., should apologise before the country. AR had created far better musics in many many movies already and these guys were deaf to all those and they wake up all of a sudden and come to know of AR only now. If AR had created the same music for some other movie I am pretty sure it would have gone in the wind unnoticed. So if AR gets an award today, it is NOT for his music - it is just to honour him for having worked for THIS filthy movie. Also AR’s patriotism is well known. I understand, he refused to work for the Vande Mataram II due to the pressure from the ‘understandable circles’ just because of the upraise of the ‘Hindustani feel’ the Vande Mataram I had created.

It is intolerable guys, please wakeup and understand the real motives before all these awards. Remember every penny spent on this movie is against your own self, your own country – DVD quality print is already floating around in the internet and if at all you want to see it, grab it.

............Created a just few hours before the announcement of Oscars!!